According to a recent global report on tigers - Bringing the Tiger Back from Extinction, eighteen sites in India can support up to 1500 tigers more than the country's tigers population if the available resources are utilised properly.
There are less than 3500 tigers in wild around the world of which 1411 are in India with its habitat falling by over 50% in last 30 years. Globally tigers occupy less than 7% of their historical geographical landscape.
The report describes India's bid to save tigers as 'confused'. Instead of announcing new tiger reserves which increased from 27 to 39 in two years the Indian government should focus on providing best habitats where tigers can survive.
The study by 23 global wildlife experts under Wildlife Conservation Society provides solutions and will be released by Russian President Vladimir Putin in November as part of Global Tiger Initiative to which India is a signatory.
The study has identified 42 source sites each with over 25 breeding tigresses of which 18 are in India.
Concentrate on 16 source sites which have 1000 tigers over one year of age and can support 1500 tigers.
The best sites in India are Kaziranga tiger reserve in Assam with density of 16.8 where the density can increase to 18 and three sites in Central India and two in Western Ghats where the density can increase by 60-70%.
Protecting and conserving these habitats could mean that number of tigers increases to 3000 tigers in only 10% of suitable habitats.